PLS Concepts

There are 12 main concepts featured in the Positive Living Skills educational programs. The first 6 ‘core’ concepts feature in the PLS Early Childhood Wellbeing platform and the Foundation to Year 2 levels of the PLS Primary School Wellbeing program. The second six concepts feature in the Year 3-6 levels of the PLS Primary School resources.
The Highlights concept teaches us to build skills to look for and connect with positive experiences that occur
daily and positive aspects within ourselves, our relationships and in the world around us, and to harness the positive emotions that follow.
The Relaxation concept teaches techniques that help us to effectively manage our emotional state how to learn practical skills that will support us to recover from and manage stress, improve sleeping habits and improve focus and learning ability.
The Appreciation concept teaches us to appreciate ourselves, others and our environments and
communities. It teaches empathy and understanding of the differences between people, cultures and perspectives.
The Solutions concept focuses on respecting others perspectives, teaches problem solving, effective negotiation
skills and provides strategies to find solutions.
The Feelings concept teaches us to identify our feelings, consider why and how we experience particular feelings and then identify the behaviours that can follow and how our actions can influence the feelings of others.
The Cooperation concept teaches us to identify how we can work effectively with others in mutual support,
to give and take share and compromise and to collaborate together to achieve goals.
The Communication concept teaches skills to effectively express clear messages to our self and to others, to develop ways to use our words, tone and body language to support healthy internal and external relationships.
The Leadership concept teaches skills to develop and model leadership qualities and deliver our personal best effort. As we learn what it means to be a leader, we begin to take responsibility for our own actions and outcomes, supporting us and others to grow and learn.
The Focus concept teaches strategies and skills to build our ‘focus’ skills, and learn how to focus in connected ways, in the present moment as well as to focus on goals and outcomes and incorporate a positive focus when challenged.
Self Esteem
The Self-esteem concept teaches skills to identify how we view ourselves and others and how to build
confidence and a growth mindset, and a healthy level of self esteem and self worth.
The Choice concepts teaches skills to self-direct our emotional states, responses, behaviours and our
focus from moment to moment as we learn that we are responsible for our own learning and outcomes.
The Potential concept helps us consider our personal potential, from a daily perspective as well as looking toward the future. It explores personal best effort, developing a vision and the self-belief to move toward that vision, understanding that any outcome can be an opportunity to learn and grow.