Program Evidence
The concepts that make up the learning experiences and resources contained within the Positive Living Skills programs have been widely researched and proven to support social and emotional wellbeing, and the programs are evidence based in their own right.
Research Partnership with Charles Sturt University
Positive Living Skills is proud to be in partnership with Charles Sturt University, furthering the evidence base of the Positive Living Skills programs. Charles Sturt University also contributed with the mapping of the program to the National F-10 Curriculum and AITSL standards.

“Positive wellbeing and mental health are areas of significant importance for children and young people in Australia, who have experienced increased social and emotional demands over the last two decades. The Positive Living Skills program supports children to develop a strong sense of self-worth and a broad social-emotional skill set early on, which is vital to their long-term wellbeing.”
Dr. Elizabeth Murray
Associate Professor in Education; Program Lead Grow Your Own Teacher Training Program (GYOTT) & Collaborative Teacher’s Aide Pathway (CTAP)
Charles Sturt University
Evaluation report prepared for Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network regarding the Positive Living Skills Primary School Wellbeing Program​​
Both reports prepared by:
Dr. Loraine Fordham
School of Education, Macquarie University
February 2024
Recent Evaluation reports
Evaluation report prepared for the Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSWPHN) regarding the Positive Living Skills Primary School Wellbeing Program

The Positive Living Skills Wellbeing Programs have been independently reviewed and are listed in the Be You Programs Directory. They meet the minimum evidence requirements set by Be You and have been awarded a rating for evidence and implementation.
In the early stages of the development of Positive Living Skills Initiative in Australia, program founders connected with Dr. Terry Orlick, PhD, a world-renowned leader in the applied field of mental training and a passionate professional who dedicated his life’s work to researching and teaching positive mental training with adults and young people from all walks of life.
The soft-spoken Dr. Orlick spent more than 40 years teaching at the University of Ottawa where he was Full Professor in Sport and Performance Psychology in the School of Human Kinetics. Terry authored more than 30 books including the widely acclaimed, "In Pursuit of Excellence", "Embracing Your Potential", "Nice on My Feelings: Nurturing the Best in Children and Parents", "Every Kid Can Win", and "Cooperative Games and Sports". His evidence-based work, and his most recent book “Positive Living Skills: Joy and Focus for Everyone”, provided significant inspiration for the core program content in the Positive Living Skills Early Childhood and Primary School Wellbeing programs.

Sadly, Dr. Orlick passed away on August 17th, 2021 after a lengthy challenge with Alzheimer’s Disease. We remain extremely grateful to have had the honour of working with and connecting with Terry, and our thoughts are with his family and friends.