0-5 Years

The first 5 years of a child’s life are vital for them to begin to learn essential social and emotional skills. Here you can access a range of stories, songs, guided relaxation audios and activities which can support you and your child.
Spaghetti Toes
Play this guided imagery audio for your child to help them learn how to relax themselves when they want to put their worries away.
Children pretend they are stiff like uncooked spaghetti, then they relax and imagine that they are like all soft and floppy like cooked spaghetti.
Jelly Belly
Play this guided relaxation audio for your child to learn diaphragmatic breathing in a fun and easy way to help them relax quickly.
When we take a long slow breath in our jelly belly fills with air, and when we take a long slow breath out it floats back down again.
Floating on clouds
Play this guided imagery relaxation audio for your child to help them relax and feel calm.
The white soft fluffy clouds float around the blue sky and we can imagine we are floating on our own soft white cloud.
We feel so good and so calm floating on our cloud.
Special Place Relaxation
Help your child create their own imaginary special place in their mind where they can go any time they want to feel safe and calm and relaxed.
Where is your special place? What can you see and hear and feel in your special place?