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Powerful small accomplishments that boost our mental health

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook what might seem like small or insignificant actions, especially in the morning as we rush to get ourselves and others out the door.

Who has time to make the bed? And what difference does that make anyway?

While the scientific research on this topic may be limited, there is much anecdotal evidence to support that starting each day with successful completion of a small and simple task can help us feel empowered, set us up for ongoing success and support our mental health.

William H. McRaven, a now retired United States Navy four-star Admiral who served as the ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command shares the virtues of making your bed each day in his famous and inspirational 2014 University of Texas Commencement Address, and this important suggestion, amoung others, has been inspiring ever since.

So how can such a trivial action make such a difference and support our long term fulfilment?

Setting the Tone

At its core, making your bed is about taking control of your immediate environment at the start of the day.

It's a tangible demonstration of agency and self empowerment. A decision to begin the day with purpose and intention. By committing to this small act of orderliness, you establish a precedent for productivity and discipline that can permeate through the day and beyond.

Cultivating Discipline

Success is often built on a foundation of disciplined habits. At Positive Living Skills, we are all about repetition and practice to build long term skill, confidence and competency.

By incorporating the routine of making our bed into our morning ritual, we cultivate a sense of discipline that can spill over into other areas of our life. This discipline is not just about the task itself but about training our mind to prioritize responsibilities and follow through on commitments. To build self-reliance.

Celebrating Small Victories

Completing a task as seemingly insignificant as making your bed may not garner accolades or recognition, but it provides a sense of accomplishment nonetheless.

Psychologically, this sets off a cascade of positive reinforcement, priming your brain to seek out and conquer additional challenges throughout the day. Each small victory serves as a building block, propelling you forward with momentum and confidence.

Creating Calm

A tidy, well-made bed transforms your bedroom into a calm sanctuary—a place of peace to return to after a long day. This sense of order and serenity can have profound effects on your mental and emotional well-being, fostering a restful night's sleep and enhancing overall quality of life.

Embracing Consistency

Consistency is key to long-term success. By incorporating the habit of making your bed into your daily routine, you establish a sense of continuity and stability.

Even on days when chaos reigns elsewhere and the day does not go to plan, this small gesture serves as a constant anchor. At least you'll come home to a made bed, something consistent amidst the ebb and flow of life.

Inspiring Others

The influence of your actions can extend beyond your own life, inspiring those around you to adopt similar habits of diligence and self-care. Whether it's your family, friends, or colleagues, leading by example demonstrates the transformative power of small, intentional acts and encourages others to strive for their own daily victories.

So while the act of making your bed each morning may seem inconsequential in isolation, the cumulative effects are anything but trivial.

By embracing this simple task as a cornerstone of your daily routine, you cultivate discipline, celebrate small victories, and create a foundation for success in all aspects of your life.

As Admiral McRaven aptly stated, "If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed."

If you are interested in more of McRaven's inspirational messages, the following gives you a timestamp from his famous speech that has changed the world for many.

1. Start by Making Your Bed: Starts at (05:03)

2. Find Someone to Help You Paddle: Starts at (06:17)

3. Measure People by the Size of Their Heart: Starts at (07:36)

4. Get Over Being a Sugar Cookie: Starts at (08:40)

5. Don't Be Afraid of the Circus: Starts at (10:06)

6. Slide Down the Obstacle Head First: Starts at (11:45)

7. Don't Back Down from the Sharks: Starts at (12:55)

8. Be Your Best in Your Darkest Moments: Starts at (14:04)

9. Start Singing When You're Up to Your Neck in Mud: Starts at (16:02)

10. Don't Ever Ring the Bell: Starts at (17:51)

So, tomorrow morning, when you rise to greet the day, remember the power that lies in the smallest of gestures—and let it propel you toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Until next time,

The PLS team



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