In today’s fast-paced world, many of us feel like there just isn’t enough time in the day. Whether it’s work, family, or personal goals, it seems like our to-do lists keep growing while our available time is shrinking.
While we know we can’t add hours to the day, there are some simple and practical tips we can access to help us feel like we have more time, feel less stress and experience more joy.

Trying some of these practical tips might help reclaim some precious hours and promote more feelings of fulfilment and enjoyment:
The 80/20 rule
The Pareto Principle, commonly known as the 80/20 rule, suggests that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the "vital few").
If we can apply this principle to our lives it could help us identify the most important tasks—the ones that will have the biggest impact, so we can focus on completing those first. By addressing high-priority tasks early, you’ll make significant progress even if your day becomes hectic later on.
You might want to consider what hobbies you spend most of your time doing and how much fulfillment they bring . If the ratio is close to 80/20 then it might be time to reconsider.
Another way to use the the 80/20 rule is to review how much money you spend on certain things and how much they enhance your life experience.
Using time blocks to help stay focused
Time blocking is a simple yet powerful method for managing our schedule. By dividing our day into dedicated time blocks for specific tasks or projects, we can create a structured routine that helps minimise distractions.
At PLS we call this the 'hour of power', where we set aside a 45 or 60 minute block for deep work, without the distractions of phones and email, then at the end of the hour or 45 min block we can follow this with a 10 minute break or reward. When this is repeated throughout the day productivity can increase.
Tip: Use digital calendars or time-management apps to schedule time blocks. Treat these blocks as non-negotiable appointments with yourself.
Batching similar tasks
Multitasking can reduce productivity, and increase stress as switching between tasks breaks our focus. Instead, we can try grouping similar tasks together and tackling them in batches or blocks.
For example, you could designate one time slot for answering emails, another for phone calls, and another for creative work.
Tip: Set specific times in your day to check and respond to emails instead of constantly monitoring your inbox. Or leave them until the end of your hour of power. This helps prevent distractions and allows for deeper concentration, especially on more complex tasks.
Practise the Two-Minute rule
If a task will take two minutes or less to complete, AND it's important, do it immediately. This simple rule prevents small tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming. Quick wins can help build momentum, helping the rest of your day feel more manageable.
Tip: Apply this rule when responding to short emails, or returning a brief phone call. The small wins add up!
Delegate or outsource
Sometimes we feel like we have to do everything ourselves, but what if we could reassess?
Delegating tasks at work when possible, or considering outsourcing some responsibilities in your personal life, can reduce stress and free up time.
We can also choose to let go of lower-priority tasks giving us more time to focus on what’s important.
Tip: Evaluate your daily tasks and identify areas where you could possibly involve others, freeing up your schedule for higher-impact activities.
Set limits for social media and screen time
Many of us want our kids to spend a little (or a lot) less time scrolling through social media or binge-watching TV. And many of us also are spending as much time or more on the same past times.
It's so easy for hours to pass without us even realising.
It's a great idea for all members of the family to set limits on screen time, and trade some of that time for outdoor family activities instead.
Tip: Use apps that track and limit your screen usage. By setting daily time limits, you’ll gain back hours that can be spent on more meaningful activities like getting out in nature.
We all want to find some more time in our days, and more fulfillment and joy in our lives.
By implementing a few simple strategies, we might just be able to reclaim some more of our valuable time and boost our feelings of productivity and achievement, and peace and calm.
Until next time,
The PLS team